

I lived in a small village with my parents and sister, back then my sister Blue was only a few years old at the time. I was out with Blue at our local park at the time when Diabolos forces raided our home and no one knew until it was too late.

“Big bro, come on let’s play,” said Blue.

“Alright, let me just put my book down.” I playfully said with a smile on my face.

We were getting ready to play our game, but then the first attack happened. All of the wolves were gathered into the center of the village where we were sorted into two groups; kids and adults. I held onto blue so tightly that not even the strongest rabid wolf could separate us during the sorting process afraid to let her go. That’s when Diabolos saw me. For some reason, he saw something in me that he didn’t with the others.

“You there, come here,” said Devil Wolf as he’s pointing at me.

I walked over to him holding Blue so close, I thought I was suffocating her. As Diabolos placed his hand on my shoulder seeing my difference from the others. My eye, it’s how I got my name, Red. While he was talking to me, his soldiers were turning the adults into Rabbids. Only a few survive this process, and sadly my parents were not lucky enough to survive the process and died. The last thing my father said to me was.

“Protect your sister,” said my father in great pain.

As my father took his last breath in front of me as I promised him, I would. We began with our journey west we had to stop a few times along the way at different villages doing the same process as was done to my village. Each time I held Blue close so that she didn’t have to see the horrors of what was happening to these wolves and the pain and suffering that they were going through. Each time holding her tight making sure she couldn’t see.

“Don’t look Blue, you don’t need to see this.” I nervously whispered.

After the final village before the western territory, I had tried running away with Blue both of us scared out of our minds, fearing that I have to watch another village fall because of Diabolos. But I wasn’t fast enough, they caught me after a few minutes of running away. I was so scared that I thought if I stopped running then I would die, at least Blue had finally fallen asleep on my back so she wouldn’t see what was happening. But, after being captured and brought back to “him” I wasn’t allowed out of his line of sight. After many days of traveling on foot, we had finally hit the western border.

“Ahhhh, it’s good to be home,” said Diabolos.

As for me I just stood there with my ears down whimpering, because I was now all alone with my sister in the one place you should never be. As we continue to walk deeper into the belly of the beast, the conditions got worse and worse. The trees were dying as if the life force was just ripped out of them. The ponds and streams were brown clogged with mud and branches floating around. Rabid wolves training for battle were sometimes killing each other while training. Some of the newly formed Rabbids are also running at the training wolves joining them. Blue woke up after her sleeping for the past few hours and the first thing she sees is the face of a rabid wolf and instantly digs her face into my shoulder hiding from the wolves rabid face.

“I know Blue, I know,” I said in a caring voice.

“Come on little ones I want to show you your new home,” said Diabolos with a creepy like tone.

As we walk up to a den we soon realize that it’s his own and that this was to be our new home. Everywhere are weapons throughout the den are swords, crossbows, shields, but one stuck out, an ax all alone separates from the rest. I walked over to it with blue still holding on so tight I thought I was losing circulation in my arm. I reached out and grabbed the ax by its handle noticing a mark on it.

“It’s a skull?” I said curiously.

“Now that belonged to my father an expert with it, always throwing it left and right killing anyone who he hit it with,” said Diabolos with confidence.

As I lift the ax and spin it making sure not to hit myself or Blue in the process. As I spin the ax I accidentally send it flying into a wall blade first.

“Maybe there is hope for you yet, in a few years I will train you to be a soldier in this war and we may win with you,” said Diabolos.

At the time the only thing I could say was “Ok” because without him we had no food, water or even a roof over our head. So I had to do what was best for Blue at the time, so I became his adoptive son and stayed in the west for years. Then the day came where he began to train me. He taught me how to wield an ax properly and then the surprise came later.

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