
Chapter 1

Weaver glanced around the busy crafting chamber, Taking in the sight and sounds of minecarts on rails, the clanging of tools, and the shouts of instruction. He smiled as he spotted his best friend- cobbler- hand one of the busy workers some cobblestone.  Weaver ran over to his villages’ crafter, nudging him with a small, blocky hand.
“Yes… Oh! Weaver. What is it?” The old crafter looked into the young NPC’s troubled face.
“I was looking for fisher, who had some spare leather to lend me, when I realized he was not home.”
“Did you check the lake?” Crafter asked uneasily, his blocky face filled with worry for the young NPC.
“Yes! And the woods. He’s not there! Worst part is, Smithy told me fisher left on a trip yesterday, but when he got back, he snapped at everybody!”
“Did you see him at all today?” Crafter asked, his eyes darting around, looking for the young, cheerful villager.
“No, except for this morning. He was yelling at Baker- Something about his cookies not sweet enough.” Weaver glanced around the chamber before staring into crafter’s worried eyes.
Crafter turned and motioned for a group of armored worriers to come over.  Weaver nodded to crafter, than ran off, knowing what crafter wanted him to do without being told- ask for information about the lost youth.
Climbing up the ladder as fast as he could, Weaver finally reached the top. Then he climbed up more ladders, until he reached to top of the watch tower. He ran over to watcher, then spoke.
“Have you seen fisher? I can’t find him anywhere!” Watcher spun around and said, “Spiders! About a dozen coming… with fisher!!!”


Chapter 2
Spider Invasion!

Weaver’s eyes widened with horror. He ran over the edge and looked at the spiders. Watcher had been correct; There were more spiders than Weaver had ever seen. Animist all of them, there was a weak villager with straight black hair and a terrified look on his face. Fisher! It’s Fisher! Thought Weaver. The young NPC’s body looked frail and weak; Fisher had only a fraction of a heart left.  
“SPIDERS! SPIDERS! CLOSE THE GATES! SPIDERS! ARRIVING FROM THE NORTH!!!!” Shouted Watcher. Weaver raced down the  ladder and down the road, until he found his house. Running inside, He grasped the hilt of his toy wooden sword and hurried back out and to the gates. His father, Pelter, was next to Baker, the two ready for battle, when Watcher ran into them.
“What are you doing!?” Cried his father, staring into watcher’s eyes and seeing the pain and worry of the thought of loosing his friend.
“I’m gonna help!” He snapped back, standing at his father’s side, ready to help his friend.
“No!” cried Pelter, nodding to Watcher’s mother- Dyer- to take his son away.
“NO!!!!” cried Watcher as he was lifted and carried away. As Dyer, holding the squirming child in her arms, arrived at their front door, Watcher tore out of his mother’s grasp. He darted twords the wall, but this time, instead of heading for the gates, he ran up the steppes and into one of the archer towers. Drawing back and arrow, Watcher aimed at a spider near the gates and…. WIZZZ! The arrow flew out of his bow and on the spider’s back, the monster flashing red; it had lost some HP. Four more arrows flew down on the spider’s back, probably from another archer’s bow, and exhausted the spider’s HP to zero. However, it did little difference, for spiders were all over, trapping Fisher in their midst.
“THERE ARE TO MANY OF THEM!” called the archer next to the young NPC.
“NO!!!!!” cried Watcher, looking out of the hole at poor Fisher.
I’ve gotta do something… but what? He wondered. The spider that had been carrying the black-haired boy suddenly jerked it’s head, and three spiders joined it. But Watcher saw no more, for a large, hairy spider appeared in the window.
Watcher screamed, scrambling to get out of the way of those sharp mandibles. “HELP!” he screamed the spider launching its heavy body on the yelping boy.
“Leave him ALONE!” cried a voice, and Weaver saw the spider flash red again and again, until it disappeared with a POP, leaving glowing balls of XP scattered all over the floor.
“Cobbler!” he cried, a smile flooding over the muddy face. Cobbler smiled a weak smile, his hands shaking as he held the wooden sword pointed twords the place the spider had perished.
“I couldn’t let it hurt you,” he answered, slowly lowering his wooden sword.
“I owe you my life!” Answered Weaver.
“C’mon! There are spiders to fight!” Cobbler answered, putting away his sword and replacing it with a bow. The two worked together picking off spider by spider, but all the time Weaver was glancing at fisher.
“Weaver! Look! We’re winning!” cried Cobbler when Weaver had stopped to steal a glance at Fisher. This was true; there had originally been around 50 spiders, but now it had been subtracted to 25. The NPC village had pushed back, but just as another spider perished, the gates were opened; the battle must be fought on ground as well. Spider after spider climbed in through the windows, but Cobbler and Weaver worked back to back. Weaver watched his father as he swung his stone sword, the massive blade taring into the spiders’ XP. Cobbler’s arrow flew down and hit the spider Pelter was currently fighting. Weaver turned to smile at his friend, the two sharing hope that they would win. They looked back to see Pelter looking in surprise at the two youths peering through the window. A spider jumped on him as he did so, but it was met by four launched arrows before it could place another attack. The three worked like this until, with the other NPCs’ help, there were only a handful of spiders left. Just as Pelter was about to reach the spider with Fisher, it let out an ear-piercing screech, making everyone, including Cobbler and Weaver, drop their weapons and cover their ears. The monster’s eyes glowed bright and it’s evil laugh-like voice said,
“Sssssso, the viligerssssss fight back.” It’s evil laugh pierced the air, and its massive head tilted back, almost pushing Fisher off it’s back.
“My queen hasss a messsseage for you foolsssssss: We will capture many more foolish NPCssssssssssss- that issss, unlesssss you leave thissssssssss village and hand over all children. Isssssss thissssssssss clear?” The spider looked around at the horrified faces. Then it clicked its mandibles and said, “Perhapssssssss thissssssssss will help: I, mysssssself will sssssluaghter thisssss NPC child, that isssss, unlessssss you hand over another vilager in return. don’t worry, we will not harm him; only work him.. or her.” The spider stared at them with evil contentment. “You have one day…..” Then the spiders left.

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