
Subject: Gameknight’s dream

Message Body:
Spider Threads
By Gamzy Gal
(The TNT Lover)
Inspired by Mark Cheverton

Suddenly, the silvery fog that he’d come to know so well surround him. Standing nearby was Hunter, Sticher, and Monet, each armed with an enchanted bow in their hands. Gameknight looked at his sister. “What now?” he asked. “Follow me……to the top of the temple.” She said as she turned and sprinted up the steps, past the main entrance, and up the other flight that led to the top floor. Using the stairs Notch had placed; they moved to the roof of the temple and looked across the battlefield. They could see the partially transparent villagers and spiders locked in a dance of death as they battled in front of the temple. But Gameknight noticed a delicate purple strand of something that seemed connected to each spider, the fragile lavender threads glowing in the darkness of night. “Watch the spider near Digger.” Monet said. Drawing an arrow back, she carefully took aim, and then fired at the spider. Gameknight knew the arrow would not hurt the spider, for the spider was not in the land of dreams. Besides, he could tell from the trajectory of the projectile that it was going to miss the monster completely. And sure enough, it did. Instead of striking the monster, it flew over its head and sliced the purple glowing string that was wrapped around its head. The spider suddenly released from the grip of the purple string, looked around, and then ran away not wanting anything to do with this battle. Monet turned and faced her brother, a satisfied smile on her blocky face. “I’ve been doing some experimenting while I was down in the temple.” she said “We don’t have to kill the spiders; we just have to cut their strings.” “This is fantastic!” Hunter said as she drew back an arrow and fired. Sticher moved up to her sister and did the same, firing at the purple strands as fast as they could. Gameknight moved up to his sister then imaged his favorite bow. Instantly, it appeared in his hand. Drawing back the arrows the infinity enchantment gave him, he fired. Their barrage of dream arrows were tearing through countless purple filaments, giving those on the walls a brief respite, but Gameknight999 could see another wave of spiders coming out from the jungle. The next wave was probably 300 strong, if not more. There was no way they could stand up against this wave. It was the end of them. Gameknight noticed that the purple strings all lead up to a sheer cliff that overlooked the temple. The silvery fog of the land of dreams obscured where the strands met…..but Gameknight knew who held all the strings. And in that instant, he knew what he had to do. “Keep firing.” he said to the others. “What are you going to do?” hunter asked. “Probably something stupid.” he said with a smile. “I like it already.” she answered.
The End!

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