
This is a small part of Chapter One of a story I’m working on. Can I know what you guys think of it before I continue? Thanks.

His heart was pounding. Sweat dripped down the sides of his temples. Deep cuts covered his body. His heart was aflame with discomposure and his mind was filled with harrying thoughts. He needed to run. He needed to keep running. The monsters behind him continued to give chase. Terryn was scared. Half a heart remained. His sword was sheathed, and he pulled out the icy blue blade. The sword was chipped in many places due to all the battles it had fought and won, but it was still the same sword that had protected him several times. He turned around and slashed at a spider. The spider flashed red and flew backwards. He slashed at a nearby creeper right before its ignition started and destroyed it in three devastating blows. The luminous sun began to rise in the horizon, and he breathed a sigh of relief as he continued to run. The sky around him soon faded into a bright orange, then eventually into a light cerulean, and he smiled. He was finally safe.

He stopped running and scanned his surroundings. A small, ordinary-looking suburb was situated at the bottom of a mountain. There was a myriad of trees surrounding the village. Terryn reached into his inventory and pulled out a loaf of bread, finishing it in three bites. He put his sword back into its sheath and took off towards the village, running as fast as he could.

However, another figure was running towards the village. He squinted his eyes to get a better look and could see that it was another user sprinting past blocky birch trees, slashing them with an axe and collecting the wood that would drop from the tree. Terryn hesitantly drew his sword and slowed down, trying to get closer to his prey.

The figure stopped and looked around, then spotted Terryn crouched in between two trees. The figure walked over until he was directly in front of Terryn, then crouched down so that the two of them would be standing face-to-face.

“Who are you? Why are you watching me?” the figure asked Terryn, returning his axe back to a sheath on his side then looking up to read his name tag which floated above his head. “Terryn?”

Terryn looked up to read the other player’s name tag. Dane. “So you’re Dane?” he asked, and Dane nodded.

“Cool. So… I saw you headed for the village, but didn’t know if I could trust you or something.” Terryn said, and Dane laughed.

“Trust me? You think I’m a psycho or something?”

“No! It’s just… there are tons of griefers about, and you can barely trust anyone these days.” Terryn replies honestly.

Dane shrugged, “Well, yeah. That’s how the world is these days.” Then he turned around and walked out of the woods, shading his eyes with his hands and surveying his surroundings. “I think it’s safe to move now. Come on.”

Terryn looked confused. “Who said I was coming with you?” He stood up,  taking another loaf of bread from his inventory and eating it. Dane cocked his head.

“Well, I assumed you would be coming. It’s not like I knew, okay? Chill out.” Dane replied, then laughed and waved at Terryn. He bolted towards the village, and Terryn followed.

Dane stopped once he reached the gravel path of the village, while Terryn hurried on. He went straight for the blacksmith’s shop and opened the chest inside. He took the contents and slammed the chest shut then ran back outside.

“Oh, hey.” Dane said casually, “I thought you said you weren’t coming with me?”

“I’m not.” Terryn replied, annoyed. “I was heading for this village too anyway. Just needed a place to spend the night.”

“Oh.” Dane said, then laughed, “Cool. I’m just here to get a few trades done, then I’m off to the next village. Ciao.” Then he turned around and began conversing with a villager, exchanging emeralds for items. Terryn grumbled a curse under his breath and turned around.

He found an empty house on the far side of the village and replaced the wooden door with an iron one so other villagers won’t be able to get inside. He placed a bed inside along with some extra torches, a furnace and a crafting bench. He walked towards the furnace and tossed in some meat he got from hunting animals the previous morning and added some coal to cook them. Then he retired to bed and fell asleep.

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