
The Virus

Chapter one: Herder

“Herder be carful.” Crafter said to the young NPC.  “Okay.” Herder replied “come on Buck.
As Herder ran through the fields he suddenly felt alert. “Buck let’s go back home.”Herder said cautiously. Suddenly a zombie came out of nowhere and scratched Herder. Herder cried in pain flashing red. Buck lunged at the zombie killing it. Herder looked around. Every thing was spinning. He slowly sat down  and closed his eyes. Buck barked at him. “Okay Buck we’ll go back to the village.” Herder said
A few minutes later Herder slumped against a tree not far from the village. Herder gasped for breath as he slowly lost consciousness. Buck ran towards the village barking crazily.


Chapter two: Gameknight 999

As Tommy logged into Minecraft he smiled recently he had saved Herder from Herobrine the evil virus that infected Minecraft. He landed in front of Crafter’s village. He saw Herder’s dog Buck running up to him. “What is it Buck huh boy?” Gameknight999 said. Buck ran over to a tree and barked. Gameknight walked over and gasped. Herder was slumped against a tree “Herder are you okay!!!” Gameknight asked worriedly. Herders words were slurred together. “Mustgetttovill…village.” Herder gasped. Gameknight was freaking out “Herder talk to me what happened?” When he didn’t respond The-user-that-is-not-a-user picked him up and put him on Buck’s back “Come on boy let’s get home.” Gameknight said. The sun started setting as they headed back to the village.


Chapter four: The village

“Crafter, Herder is really really sick we need to quarantine him.” Gameknight said “Okay, okay”Crafter said. “Here let’s Build  a small little stone and wood hut.” Stitcher  said. “Good idea Stitcher.” Crafter said. A few minutes later the hut was complete. “Gameknight put two beds together to make a double bed. They laid Herder on the bed and Crafter sat on a chair to watch him. Later that night Herder jerked up gasped for breath. Crafter put a hand on his shoulder. Crafter looked at Herder and gasped. The boy’s eyes were midnight black and his face was white as snow. “IwilldestroyallusersandNPs.” Herder mumbled slurring his words together. “Gameknight come here, Crafter yelled. Somethings wrong with…” Crafter gave a scream of pain as Gameknight rushed to the scene. Herder had a diamond sword in his hand he raised above his head to slam it into Crafter’s head. Gameknight shot a arrow of knock out at Herder it was a new potion from Morgana. It struck Herder in the chest. Herder stumbled backwards blinking rapidly he’s eyes fluttered closed and he fell backwards slowly fading into unconsciousness.


Chapter five: The Virus

Herder opened his eyes to his friends all pointing bows at him. “ What are you doing!?” Herder shrieked shielding his eyes from the light . His eyes were back to his dual steel blue and light green his face tanner. “Herder you’re better!” Gameknight said. “ What do you mean? Herder asked. “Your were sick and  ow your better.”Hunter said. “Oh.” Herder said. “Herder what happened.” Digger asked. “I was walking with Buck and a…a…a.zom…zombie scratched me its eyes were…were bright whi…white, but Buck killed it and I collected the XP points. Herder said but as he said the last few words his eyes flared bright white. Instantly Gameknight pulled his arrow back to fire. But before he did, Herder’s eyes went dual again as he cried in pain. “M… my…h…head, oh…it hur…hurts so…so bad…badly I can’t take…take it any…any more my…my ears…their ring…ringing so bad…bad I can’t…can’t take…take it any more. The boy cried in pain then fell to the bed. “He’s in my…my head he wants to kill…kill me, please Gameknight I…I can’t…can’t take anymore it hurts…hurts so bad…help me…hel…” Herder fell on the bed unconscious still mumbling that it hurt. “Is he gonna be okay?” Weaver said. “I don’t know.” Crafter said. Then out of the blue Herder jerked up and said “Help…help me ple…please Game…Gameknight999.”Herder said bleeding from his nose and mouth. “He… he’s in my head…head. Herder mumbled. Gameknight splashed him with a bottle of healing.

A few days later Herder was fine stumbling around the village with a sturdy stick


The End

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