
The rise of Erebus book 7 by Judah Davidoff

Watcher trecked onward through the dusty vally with Gameknight999 towards his village. Once he had explained the situation he asked some friends called Shany and Monet113 to look after the village while he was away and set of. Watcher had wanted to bring Hunter but Gameknight999 insisted that she would want to kill every monster in sight. After that Er-lan and Kobel sided with him and Watcher didn’t think that anyone would disagree that Hunter did have a fierce strike. Though Gameknight999 did bring two NPCS called Herder and Digger.
Two children called Topper and Filler wanted to come but Digger said no. Though another user that is not a user  called Monkeypants2000 joined. Monkeypnts2000 sent a call to someone that might be able to help before he left but didn’t say who. Right before they left the overworld an NPC called Mason joined there group. Mason was a tall bulky NPC who always had a determined expression on his face.

Finaly they reached the village. Watcher stepped inside he hadn’t been in there for ages. He looked around his home and gasped. Everything from the first floor to the second was empty Watcher went to the village square where everyone else had came back to an empty home. “It must be the work of pillagers” said Watcher.
“I think your right said Herder.
“Same” said Digger  “pillagers are common where we come from.”

“Come on” said Watcher. “We have to hurry.”

“Yep” said Gameknight999.

Five hours later the company reached the portal

“Wait” said Mason “before we leave I would like to say something.”

“What” said Watcher.

“I” said Mason “am NOTCH  


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