
     Chapter 6
  Spying and Stalking

     Gameknight paced back in forth. The potion was starting to wear off, but he wasn’t tired in the least. His excitement was building, actually. Crafter was watching him, a skeptical look on his face. “So… you want us to make half potions?” He asked. “Do they even work?”
     Monet stepped up. “Try this,” she said. She handed Crafter a bottle with orange and silver swirls. He still didn’t look sure, but he took the bottle and uncorked it. He took a sip. Pale orange swirls filled the air above his head.
    Monet took a flint and steel and lit a fire. “Step into it,” she said. Crafter cautiously stepped forward. The speed suddenly kicked in, and he shot into the fire faster than he thought. He yelped and jumped.
        But nothing happened. The flames licked at his robes, but didn’t spread up his clothes. The young boy with ancient eyes stared down at the at himself. “Woah,” he said. “I know!” Gameknight said excitedly. “And if we get more of these, we can use them!” Monet cheered. “How about… weakness and healing? For the monsters! If they don’t die from healing, at least they’ll be weak.” “Great!” Gameknight said. “Void! Here we come!”  

                      Void stared down at the peaceful village from a rocky ledge above. She advanced her eyesight, so she could see everything. Her eyes danced with every color imaginable. Her crystal sword was in her hand, and she rolled it back in forth on her palms. Her face was focused on the village, but her mind was elsewhere. Like she had been doing lately, she was scowling at her own thoughts, anger etched into her face. “Get OUT!” She screamed at herself. “GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” But of course, the power in her swelled up even more. Her eyes glowed like to intense suns as the intruder fanned the flames of her anger. “Don’t,” she thought hard. “Don’t! Don’t! Don’t!”
    But it was to late. The rollercoaster of emotions was already flooding through her. Happiness, anger, grief.
    Happiness at who. Anger at what. Grief, never ending grief at truth.
   And most of all, guilt. Horrible, overflowing guilt so bad she felt she would burst. Like she would melt into a puddle and the guilt itself would suck her up. So bad a terrifyingly large part of her want to just fall off the cliff and end it now. She shook her head. Suddenly, the music jerked back, as if something had wounded it. For a moment, Void was relieved. Then she panicked. She tried as quickly as possibly to shield herself, but it was to late. A entirely new presence filled her, like a horrible drink was being poured into her mind. She shoved her panic deep inside her, determined to show no weakness. Actually, she was feeling many things. Anger, sadness. Terror. All she let through was a hint of annoyance. “Get. Out.” She said out loud. She tried as hard as possible to get rid of it, but it was like trying to push water out of the way. Her eyes started to glow, red taking over until she was bathed in the color of dried blood. Void fumed. She closed her mind. Slowly, the presence faded. She breathed a deep sigh of relief. But she was still nervous. It was happening more and more. She glared down at the village. But for now?
      There was a village that needed destroying.

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